Grammatical Cases

For those of you who have never studied Latin, or German, or a host of other languages known as inflected languages, grammatical cases are noun and pronoun inflections which indicate the relationship of terms in a sentence to one another. In English, cases are now only important to indicate possession (cat/cat’s, it/its) and in pronouns (she/her, who/whom). However, some languages have up to fifteen cases.   Copied from Phrontistery for comment and education

While that is all true, and I’m only learning about all of these myself at this point… however, a couple of definitions from Wiktionary made a few of these more interesting to an English writer who searches for ways to improve immersion.

For example, Caritive : Of words or endings that express a lack of something, for example English homeless/-less or unsalted/un-

For me, it is easier to use a tool when I have a good name for it. By good, I mean, something I didn’t make up myself. Good names make it simpler to talk to people about what techniques I’m using, and how they worked out.

With Caritive, I can envision using it as it suggests, choosing for a down or moody character to choose undead instead of immortal, depressed rather than blue, unsugared rather than diet, pitiless rather than cold.

Some of them, like similative I’m not sure how to portray or if there is a way. Take what is offered the profit says…

Here’s his list:

abessiveindicating absence or lack
ablativeindicating direction from or time when
absolutiveindicating subject or object of intransitive verb
accusativeindicating direct object of a verb
adessiveindicating place where or proximity to
adnominalindicating adjective used as a noun
agentiveindicating agent performing an action
allativeindicating movement towards
associativeindicating association with or accompaniment by
benefactiveindicating for whom or which
caritiveindicating lack of something
causativeindicating causation by
comitativeindicating accompaniment
compellativeindicating address or appellation; vocative
conformativeindicating resemblance; similative
dativeindicating indirect object of a verb
delativeindicating motion downward
distributiveindicating separate members of a group, one at a time
elativeindicating movement out of or away from
equativeindicating likeness or identity
ergativeindicating subject of a transitive verb
essiveindicating a temporary state of being
factiveindicating causation
genitiveindicating possession, origin or relation
illativeindicating movement into or toward
inessiveindicating location within
instructiveindicating means whereby
instrumentalindicating means by which
introessiveindicating motion into
juxtapositiveindicating juxtaposition
lativeindicating motion up to or as far as
locativeindicating location or place where
multiplicativeindicating repetition or augmentation
mutativeindicating a change of place or state
nominativeindicating subject of a verb
oppositiveindicating opposition or location opposite to
partitiveindicating a part of a larger whole
perlativeindicating movement through or across
possessiveindicating possession; genitive case
predicativeindicating the predicate
privativeindicating absence, deprivation or negation
prolativeindicating motion alongside or means of motion
relativeindicating relation or a prepositional object
similativeindicating similarity to
situativeindicating comparison of two things
sociativeindicating association with the subject
stativeindicating a state rather than an action
subessiveindicating location under or below
sublativeindicating movement towards the top of
superessiveindicating location upon or on top of
temporalindicating time when
terminativeindicating motion up to or time until
translativeindicating process of change or movement through
vocativeindicating calling or personal address